Members of The Scottish Boinc Team

NameTotal creditRecent average creditCountry
1) Megacruncher 936,799 6,719.02 United Kingdom
2) Solidair79 2,005,275 1,232.87
3) Laird o' th' wee White Hoose 33,113 0.09 Faroe Islands
4) Gibson Praise 1,058,194 0.08 Anguilla
5) PaulS 0 0.00
6) scole [Founder] 950,564 0.00 Anguilla
7) Hugh Jarse 0 0.00
8) davidBAM 1,300,583 0.00
9) PecosRiverM 1,029,149 0.00 United States
10) chris 0 0.00 El Salvador

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