Posts by Dirk Broer

1) Questions and Answers : Bugs : Running LODA Tasks On Raspberry Pi 4B Causes Lockup (Message 721)
Posted 17 Jul 2023 by Dirk Broer
I've found that running 64-bit Linux/ARM tasks you'd best use Raspberry Pi 4B with at least 4GB of RAM -except for WEP-M+2 (Wanless) that needs far less RAM.
I frequently find out that my Odroid-N2+ (six-core Amlogic S922X) for some projects needs more than the 4GB that my version has.
And the same for a Rock Pi 4B (six-core RK3399) with 4GB of RAM.
As a rule of thumb my new ARM crunchers should have 2GB per core, just like my x86-64 machines used to have -I switched that requirement to 4GB more recently.

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